2022 Sunday Sermons
December 25 - Does God give Man the right to be Wrong? - Chris Bates
December 25 - AM - The Season for Thoughts of Jesus - Chris Bates
December 18 - PM - On the Other Side - Chris Bates
December 18 - AM - Some More Convenient Day - Chris Bates
December 11 - AM - Cease Not to Warn Pt 2 - Chris Bates
December 4 - PM - Cease Not to Warn - Chris Bates
December 4 - AM - Godly Sorrow & Repentance - Chris Bates
November 27 - PM - Rightly Handling God's Word - Jay Borg
November 27 - AM - God's Pledge of Complete Redemption - Stan Campbell
November 20 - PM - Miracles - Chris Mentzer
November 20 - AM - Things we Must be Thankful For - Chris Bates
November 13 - AM - By What Authority Pt 2 - Chris Bates
November 6 - PM - Great Things he has Done for You - Chris Bates
November 6 - AM - By What Authority - Chris Bates
October 30 - PM - The Demands of Discipleship Pt2 -Chris Bates
October 30 - AM - Unity of the Spirit & the Bond of Peace - Chris Bates
October 23 - PM - Why Scripture Must Harmonize - Jay Borg
October 23 - AM - The Narrow Way - Stan Campbell
October 16- PM - The Demands of Discipleship - Chris Bates
October 16 - AM - Bible Answers to Bible Questions Pt 2 - Chris Bates
October 9 - AM - Bible Answers to Bible Questions - Chris Bates
October 2 - PM - There is no Creature Hidden from His Sight - Chris Bates
October 2 - AM - God's Promises to His Church - Chris Bates
September 18 - PM - Since a Death has Taken Place - Chris Bates
September 18 - AM - Giving Satan An Advantage - Chris Bates
September 11 - AM - The "Perfect" Christian - Chris Bates
September 4 - PM - The Judgement - Chris Bates
September 4 - AM - There are Consequences - Chris Bates
August 28 - PM - What God is Not - Chris Bates
August 28 - AM - Renewed Interest in the Christ of Scripture Pt. 2 - Chris Bates
August 21 - PM - The Manifestations of Biblical Love - Chris Bates
August 21 -AM - Renewed Interest in the Christ of Scripture - Chris Bates
August 14 - AM - By Grace....Through Faith - Chris Bates
August 7 - PM - The Final Message - Chris Bates
August 7 - AM - Living the Abundant Life - Chris Bates
July 31 - PM - Will He find Faith on the Earth? - Chris Bates
July 31 - AM - Everyday Religion - Chris Bates
July 24 - PM - The Key of Knowledge - Chris Bates
July 24 - AM - Recipe for a Sound Church - Chris Bates
July 17 - PM - Relationships to Christ Pt2 - Chris Bates
July 17 - AM - Relationships to Christ - Chris Bates
July 10 - AM - Self Denial - Stan Campbell
July 3 - PM - Did you Know?... - Chris Bates
July 3 - AM - Some Implications of Inspiration - Chris Bates
June 26 - PM - When were you Crucified? - Chris Bates
June 26 - AM - The Equality of God's Woman - Chris Bates
June 19- Always .... Pt2 - Chris Bates
June 19 - AM - The Father as God would have Him - Chris Bats
June 12 - AM - Lord, To Whom Shall we Go? - Chris Bates
June 5 - PM - Always.... - Chris Bates
June 5 - AM - They did not even know how to Blush - Chris Bates
May 29 - PM - What am I still Lacking Pt 2 - Chris Bates
May 29 - AM - Do Not Fret - Chris Bates
May 22 - PM - What am I still Lacking - Chris Bates
May 22 - AM - The Church of Christ - Chris Bates
May 15 - PM - Is Jesus the Messiah? - Jay Borg
May 15 - AM - The Throne of David - Stan Campbell
May 8 - AM - The Three Crosses on Golgotha - Chris Bates
May 1 - PM -Polluting Christianity - Chris Bates
May 1 - AM - Is God Satisfied with those who are Satisfied? - Chris Bates
April 24 - PM - Soldiers of Christ - Chris Bates
April 24 - AM - Withdrawing Fellowship - Chris Bates
April 17 - PM - What's wrong with the Sinner's Prayer? - Chris Mentzer
April 17 - AM - You and Sparrows - Chris Bates
April 10- AM -Satan's Attack on our Faithfulness to God - Chris Bates
April 3 - PM - What has Happened to the Authority of Christ - Chris Bates
April 3 - AM - Understanding God's Truth - Chris Bates
March 27 - PM - Heavenly Habitation - Chris Bates
March 27 - AM - If I was a Teenager - Chris Bates
March 20 - PM - Are you the Who? - Chris Bates
March 20 - AM - Living Below in this Old Sinful World - Chris Bates
March 13 - AM - The Door Set Before Us - Chris Bates
March 6 - PM -Corinthians Problems we Must Avoid Pt 2 - Chris Bates
March 6 - AM - What a Blind man Saw - Chris Bates
February 27 - PM - Corinthians Problems we Must Avoid - Chris Bates
February 27 - AM - Invaluable Things - Chris Bates
February 13 - AM - The Rule of Logical Extension - Chris Bates
February 6 - PM - This is a Hard Saying - Chris Bates
February 6 - AM - Emphasizing the Lordship of Christ -Chris Bates
January 30 - PM - From the Beginning it Has no Been this Way- Chris Bates
January 30 - AM - Running Life's Race - Chris Bates
January 23 - PM - Millions now Living Have Died - Chris Bates
January 23 - AM - Rejecting the Redeemer - Chris Bates
January 16 - PM - Profitable Lessons from First Century Attitudes - Chris Bates
January 16 - AM - Spiritual Procrastination - Chris Bates
January 9 - AM - Motivation Gap - Chris Bates
January 2 - PM - The Bible and Baptism - Chris Bates
January 2 - AM - Goals Worth Striving For - Chris Bates